Sunday, 27 December 2015

How To Remove Short-Cut Virus From Your PC Using Windows CMD (Command Prompt)

First and foremost, it's advisable you update your Anti-virus to see how it all goes and if this doesn't solve the issue, you can proceed to the methods below. Apart from updating your Antivirus,there are some softwares capable of getting rid of this virus. The best of them are listed below;

1. SVRTool.exe

2. Autorun Exterminator

3. Smadav shortcut virus remover

4. Wnload Combofix shortcut remover

So, download any of those and follow the instructions on the sites to use them.

1. Manual fixes are also available to solve this problem.Therefore,you can make use of any method you consider easier.

a). Insert whichever drive is infected by this virus into your system and check the drive's extension i.e. A: .... Z: from ‘My Computer’,

b). Click on Start » Run / Winkey+R and type cmd in the textbox provided - Hit Enter.

c). Copy paste the code below into the command prompt and hit 'Enter'.
         attrib -h -r -s /s /d E:\*.*

PLEASE NOTE THAT; You will have to change E: to your drive's extension.)

d). Now,check to confirm that the virus has been completely cleared-off. Else, you can use this alternative outlined below.

a). Go to the control panel to untick “Hide protected operating system files” or simply use the search box.

b.)Navigate to “C:\Windows\System32” and manually delete regsvr

c.)If you can't find the file in System32, then try locating it in “C:\program files”. If you still cannot find it there,then try locating it in the “Processes” tab in Task Manager.

Now, with all the software & manual fixes highlighted above,one is bound to work for the drive.

Friday, 25 December 2015

How To Password Protect Your USB Flash Drive

Everyone now a days has one or two additional USB flash drives and hard disks with them because USB flash drives makes sharing of data very easy and fast. You can share large files very easily because downloading the same file from the internet would take a very long time and also utilize our data. So instead, we prefer to take that file from a friend who has that file. We can share very heavy files using USB flash drives because now you can even buy a USB flash drive with a storage capacity of 512 GB.
Not only sharing of Movies and videos, some people even share very personal data using pendrive. What if the pendrive gets lost somewhere. Is the data still Safe? Can someone else access that file except me? Of course, if you have not set a password on your USB flash drive.
Here’s how to protect your USB flash drive with a password without any software.
Just follow the steps outlined below to set a password on your USB flash drive.
Step 1:- Insert the USB flash drive which you want to protect in your Computer.
Step 2:-  Open My computer.
Step 3:- Right click on your USB flash drive and click on Turn on BitLocker.
Step 4:- Now enter the password which you want to set.
Step 5:- Click next. Now it will give you some alternative methods by which you can recover back your USB flash drive if you forgot your password. Then you can use this file as a password.
Step 6:- Save that file to your computer and again click next.
NOTE: Copy the encrypted file into several locations (most reliably cloud drives) should in case you forget your password so you can easily use it to recover your password when you have forgotten it because without this, you cannot decrypt the USB flash drive when you forget your password.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Merry Xmas To All Afrikan Children.

Are You No More Different From The Government of Today's World? Prove It! Go Look For A Homeless, Displaced, Orphaned etc. Afrikan Child and Put A Smile on His/Her Face Today As A Mark of Celebration of the Xmas Festivity.
Merry Xmas... To All The Homeless, Displaced, Orphaned, Abandoned, Malnourished etc. Children Out There. May Someone Make This Xmas Worthwhile for You All as We Celebrate The Season.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Between the COAS and the Shiite's: What Yardstick for Boundary.

It's high time we defined where and what our boundaries and limits as a body, bodies, group or groups are in the country of ours. It is very obvious that people and organizations or groups have begun to violate public order and peace all under the excuse of human rights and protests. The recent protest and confrontation between the team of escort and the Shiites at Zaria, Kaduna is an example of such violations and this calls for a proper definition of "boundaries" to the citizens and people of Nigeria. On watching the video and other videos of the incident on YouTube and other news channels one will shocked to discover that the team of soldiers and the COAS are in NO WAY wrong to have metted such action on the group following the way the Generals and his soldiers pleaded with the protesters that they "the Army" are just passing through and should be allowed to go for their duty. Lest you forgot, these soldiers have sworn with their lives to defend the sovereignty and integrity of this nation and as such, were on a trip to go discuss one or two of such measures they will be employing in protecting our nation when these group of protesters, the Shiites, barricaded the road. I watched in dismay, the total disregard of human rights and peace and order by this group as they were being pleaded with by the General and his team for up to 15mins only to have this group delay and violate their right to passage and freedom of movement (of the soldiers). One begins to wonder if these people actually believe the "soldiers" and our "military" in general don't have their rights as humans or if they (the Shiites) believe they have higher rights than the soldiers. This issue should not be politicized to favour any region, group or what have you in any part of this country, whatsoever, in anyway for it will only escalate the menace. Like I saw somewhere on one social network community "I have never seen in any movie where soldiers are begin civilians to allow them (the soldiers) exercise their rightful given human rights" yet, these soldiers spent more than twenty minutes begging and pleading with these Shiites to allow them through to their function. Also, the Iranians protesting should be termed enemies of democracy because this video proves that the Shiites is just another time bomb of insurgency waiting to explode. Enough is too much, no group(s) holds more rights than any individual or group(s) in the world over so, they should be held responsible for manslaughter. Not the COAS or the Army. Let's call a spade a spade and fix the round peg in a round hole.

Watch Video Here

Sunday, 8 November 2015

How To Hide Your Private Files in a JPEG Image

Okay, this may sound incredible to you but yeah, it's not magic and no programming skill is required to do this. All you need is just follow these basics to hide important files in any of your photo/image on your system.
1. Gather the file you wish to bind, and the image file, and place them in a folder. I will be using C:\New Folder
-The image will hereby be referred to in all examples as pix.jpg
-The file will hereby be referred to in all examples as NewTextDoc.txt
2. Add the file/files you will be injecting into the image into a WinRar .rar or .zip. From here on this will be referred to as (secret.rar)
3. Open command prompt by going to Start > Run > cmd
4. In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where your two files are by typing cd location [ex: cd C:\New Folder]
5. Type [copy /b pix.jpg + secret.rar pix.jpg] (don't forget to remove the brackets).
Now, as far as anyone viewing is concerned, this file looks like a JPEG, acts like a JPEG, and is a JPEG, yet it now contains your file(s).
In order to view/extract your file, there are two options that you can take
a) Change the file extension from pix.jpg to pix.rar, then open and your file is there
b) Leave the file extension as is, right click, open with WinRar and your file is there.

Friday, 23 October 2015

How To Detect/Differentiate A Real/Fake Facebook Account

Okay, good morning peeps. Today's article was inspired by an inquisitive colleague of mine who is very keen on protecting himself from potential online fraudsters and whom fears the integrity of his personal data on social network. We were having lunch at the Senior Staff Cafeteria when he popped the discussion and after several dabbling here and there, he passed his phone to me showing a friend request he just got from a beautiful supposed Brazilian lady. This colleague has never traveled to the Southern Americas before and there wasn't any mutual relationship between him, his friend list and the supposed Brazilian lady (i.e. he wasn't sharing any mutual friend with this lady) so he was very concerned as to how the lady got to know him so, he couldn't comprehend the link that warranted the friend request. Thus he asked me "how do I detect/differentiate a real from fake Facebook account"? That was when I took to explaining the different available techniques with which he could do that.
Here, I'll begin a series of lectures on just how to do that and I'll do that in one technique per post.
I'll start with the easiest technique. It is a very simple one that uses the profile picture of the account and doing the usual google search. Do not be worried, I promise you it's an easy one. The steps are as outlined below;
1. Go to the face book account you are suspecting,
2. Right click on the profile picture to release a drop down menu,
3. Select " Copy Image Link" or "Copy Image Location/Link" (depending on your browser),
4. Open another tab in your browser,
5. Open google search and paste the copied link,
6. Then press enter, go or search (again, depending on your device) then wait for the results.
You'll see results of the different sites that the image has been used on and if the first 5 results does not have at least 3 that bears semblance or same name and image as the account you are suspecting then that account is fake/fraudulent.
I have attached some image results I googled to this blog to enable your comprehension of the above technique so, thank me by sharing this post link across your family, friends, loved ones and colleague and... Dont forget to hit the like button and leave me your comments and enquiries. I'm sure there are a couple of articles like this one on the internet so, feel free to ask Google (the Oga at the Top). ☺

How To Detect/Differentiate A Real/Fake Facebook Account.

Okay, good morning peeps. Today's article was inspired by an inquisitive colleague of mine who is very keen on protecting himself from potential online fraudsters and whom fears the integrity of his personal data on social network. We were having lunch at the Senior Staff Cafeteria when he popped the discussion and after several dabbling here and there, he passed his phone to me showing a friend request he just got from a beautiful supposed Brazilian lady. This colleague has never traveled to the Southern Americas before and there wasn't any mutual relationship between him, his friend list and the supposed Brazilian lady (i.e. he wasn't sharing any mutual friend with this lady) so he was very concerned as to how the lady got to know him so, he couldn't comprehend the link that warranted the friend request. Thus he asked me "how do I detect/differentiate a real from fake Facebook account"? That was when I took to explaining the different available techniques with which he could do that.
Here, I'll begin a series of lectures on just how to do that and I'll do that in one technique per post.
I'll start with the easiest technique. It is a very simple one that uses the profile picture of the account and doing the usual google search. Do not be worried, I promise you it's an easy one. The steps are as outlined below;
1. Go to the face book account you are suspecting,
2. Right click on the profile picture to release a drop down menu,
3. Select " Copy Image Link" or "Copy Image Location/Link" (depending on your browser),
4. Open another tab in your browser,
5. Open google search and paste the copied link,
6. Then press enter, go or search (again, depending on your device) then wait for the results.
You'll see results of the different sites that the image has been used on and if the first 5 results does not have at least 3 that bears semblance or same name and image as the account you are suspecting then that account is fake/fraudulent.
I have attached some image results I googled to this blog to enable your comprehension of the above technique so, thank me by sharing this post link across your family, friends, loved ones and colleague and... Dont forget to hit the like button and leave me your comments and enquiries. I'm sure there are a couple of articles like this one on the internet so, feel free to ask Google (the Oga at the Top). ☺

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

How to Differentiate/Distinguish Original from Fake USB Cable.

Well, the nature of my job as an IT Specialist and a Researcher, takes me from place to place every now and then and in most of my journey I come across folks complaining about how USB cables don't seem to work like those ones that were first shipped into Nigeria when the rave of smart devices just hit this region of the world. This has always given me reasons for concern most especially since, family and friends are amongst those whom are not considered as "Tech-Heads" and considering also the fact that fake USB cables and chargers can spoil/destroy your device battery and in some cases, your entire device thus, I got prompted to pen this down so as to create, at least, a reasonable sense of awareness.
There is a certain feature that one can look out for when buying one of these USB cables if one expects to get the best value for your money and/or make your battery life and device last longer for maximum utility.
When buying one of these USB cables from any tech store, you should look out for the colour of the metallic in between the two openings at the tip of the USB cable that goes into the charger. If the cable (or wire, depending on the one you understand the most) is not golden in colour but silver then, it's not an original one. This is because, copper that conducts the electricity between your power source and your device is usually golden in colour, not silver, does enabling proper conductivity of electric voltage. The ones with silver colour cable in between the two slots are made from aluminium and this is a poor conductor of electricity when compared to copper. This is as depicted in the picture shown below. Now, I believe you have the perfect check on which is, and is not, an original USB cable.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

How To Download from Youtube

Okay! A lot of friends and followers have been sending me messages and requests asking me to do a tutorial on how to download from YouTube that's why I had to pen this down. Firstly, YouTube protects user rights by ensuring you don't just download videos off their site without proper rights permission. But, like every programmer knows, there's always a backdoor to any online resource.
Firstly, there are softwares and apps that allow you download directly from YouTube (available here but the working principle is still the same.
Secondly, using your browser (Mozilla Firefox in the case of mine) allows you the installation of an ad on that displays a download link directly on the YouTube video page you want to download. But, some of these softwares and apps may take up space on your device and most of them force you to view interrupting and unnecessary adverts. So, am going to show you how to download directly from your YouTube on your browser.
The first method is as enumerated below:
1. Go to your browser and type
2. Search for the video you want to download
3. Click on the video and wait for it to load
4. Allow it to load then pause the video
5. Go to the address bar on your browser and you'll see something like this
6. Now add ss before the youtube on that link (like this
7. Delete everything between the com/ and watch (like this
8. The click enter or go (as it applies to your browser)
It will then take you to a page that will enable you download directly, in the format of your choice, the video you want to download.
Also, you could still download via this method by performing step 1 to 5, then step 7 but without the "ss", copy the link, go to, paste the copied URL/link in their search bar and click download.
About the ad on, click your browser settings tab, click add ad on, search for then install the ad on. After downloading and installing the ad on, every time you open YouTube on your browser a download option button is displayed on any video you click on YouTube.
Now, you can download your favourite videos from YouTube directly.
Thank me later by sharing the link to this blog with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, BBM and every other social network you belong to. After all, it's a free world.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

There is No God?

There Is No God?
Between 75 and 90 percent of those that have known me, up to a good extent, know that I am that man that can be termed "nonreligious". This does not translate that I do not believe in the existence of God (am not an Atheist) and neither does this mean that I am a pagan (Sun worship per) or an Idolater. It logically and reasonably transpires to the fact that I believe in logical reasoning. Matter of fact, logic is what I feel best enable my sense of understanding to the best within my reach.
Of late, I have been observant of what transpires in the world today via the internet (both on social networks and news media) most especially the recent disturbance of "Gay-ism" that some affluent personalities and entities have been propagating, the world over, and the reactions of some certain people in some certain quarters of the societies of this planet.
Some have gone as far as using this, gay-ism, as an excuse (rather, as a medium) to preach of the non-existence of a creator (God). And most of them have gone as far as trying to convert people into accepting their ideologies and school of thoughts.
Why I chose to put this pen on paper is what stemmed from my way of reasoning many, many years ago and my unanswered questions and theorems on Wiki Ask™ nine years ago (precisely in April, 2006).
During our primary and post tertiary levels of acquiring formal education, we were taught how man came into existence with two theorems (even when they both actually translate to one theorem) of science, logic and reason. And these are the "theory of evolution" (originally the Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution) and "the black hole" (Big Bang Theorem).
The "Theory of Evolution" was practicalized as proof to us through the use of one of the smallest unit of life (a tissue of cell) by asking us to take a small crumb of bread, put it in a glass jar, seal the glass jar from air (and other contaminant), dropping it (the glass jar) in a dark cupboard (ensuring no light can penetrate the jar and the cupboard) and allowing it to stand for at least seven days. We were then asked to observe the bread crumb on the seventh day, or after. We actually observed that mucus and, likely, grey matters of amoeba, had grown on it.
Now, basic science taught us that amoeba is a cell (which actually is the smallest unit of life) and thus a living thing.
In this basic science, and in both biology and integrated science in post-primary school, we were taught how the first smallest unit of life (a cell) evolved into a tissue and tissues, and subsequently a whole living system. The first ape was then classified to us, from moving from Homo-Erectus, Neanderthals to Homo-Sapiens and to the present day man and it still ensured to prove to us that man would evolve from this stage to growing wings and becoming Aves, that can fly. Thus, a time will come when men would be flying around with naturally grown wings (Bull Crap!).
The Big Bang theory was explained to us in this manner;
"Two heavenly bodies traveling on the same path, in opposite direction, with very high velocity, collided and exploded and their debris is what brought about the planets found in our universe today"
Another Bull Crap!
I wonder if the pioneers of academic learning actually thought that the whole of human race was never going to develop intelligently to ever dispute their personal opinions (Yes! Their personal opinions) or they just wanted to make a fool of man for the whole of eternity. I wonder this because, I most time think of how foolish they were to have cooked up such "scandalous bull-crap" and expected that it would be accepted that way, without questioning, for eternity.
On this fateful day of April, 2006, I logged on to the Wiki Ask™ forum only to meet the topic "Is there really a God?" and the discussion was booming with comments of opinions from different atheists, idolaters, pagans, philosophers, scholars, scientists, and other religious bigots about God and no God so, I decided to give them (mostly the atheists, philosophers and scientists) a ride on their own treat by asking for answers to my simple yet logical question of God or no God from the two theorems that philosophers and scientists usually put forward to buttress their reasoning on the existentiality of God not existing.
My first question was asked using a premise from the Big Bang (or Black Hole) theorem and it goes thus;
"taking two glass cups of exactly same measurements, dropping them from the same distance (height) with the same force to break on the floor into shads or pieces and photographing their shads or pieces, one after the other, it will be observed that they do not break or shatter into the same measurements of sizes, shapes, weights and each exact size, shape and weight will not fall on the same spot and exact distance from the others. Hence, since they wouldn't, how is it possible that the two heavenly bodies that collided formed the planets of our universe that has been rotating for billions of years about the sun, on and about their axis without skidding or sliding off from and on their axis, about their axis and have never rotated otherwise if not because they are obeying a law or command put in place by a superior and magnanimous being that is known as God?"
Secondly, using a premise from the theorem of evolution's experiment of bread crumb in a glass jar and the subsequent evolvement of a life form known as amoeba, I asked;
"Bread is majorly flour (gotten from grinding wheat into powder) and yeast, both from living things. Bread crumb is from flour, flour is from wheat, wheat is a crop (plant) thus, it is also a living thing and we all agree to that (no doubt from any school of thought at all about that), now who created that first living thing (the wheat plant) that was used to make flour which in turn make bread, that we got our crumb from, that gave rise to that first living organism that has evolved to become man in his present day that will evolve into the flying Ave man so expected to come by scientists and other believers of that school of thought, if not a superior and magnanimous being that is known as God?"
As at the moment of penning down this thoughts of mine, these two questions above are yet to be answered and, like I told them in that forum;
"until my two theorems as questions are satisfactorily answered beyond all reasonable doubt (even when I do not attach myself to a particular form of religion, for the fact  that I see religion as a brain-child of man and the main problem of man)"
I will continue to believe in God and the fact that God exists.
At this juncture, I strongly believe that after you are done reading this and you still believe God does not exist then "You are on long thing. OYO for you O...". As for me and my household, there is a God, He is God and we will continue to worship him, now and forever.
With this little logic, you still believe there is no God? "e be like say you don dey madt abi!"
Courtesy: Mallam Sambo, S.D.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Turn Your Android Device Into A Hacking Device

Top 10 Android Apps That Turn Your Phone into a Hacking Device !
Did you know, you can turn your everyday Android powered smartphone into a powerful hacking device to reckon with? 

Hacking is an art that requires significant in depth knowledge of everything that abounds the digital world. Tech savvy users like to play around with their smartphones. Android devices are everywhere these days. The following apps are aimed at turning your mobile into a hacking device. Let's have some fun, shall we?


SpoofApp is a Caller ID Spoofing, Voice Changing and Call Recording mobile app for your iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone. It's a decent mobile app to help protect your privacy on the phone. However, it has been banned from the Play Store for allegedly being in conflict with The Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009.


The DOS tool for Android Phones allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (an http post flood attack to be exact) and of course a dDOS on a web server, from mobile phones.


Allows you to sniff and intercept web session profiles over the WiFi that your mobile is connected to. It is possible to hijack sessions only when WiFi is not using EAP, but it should work over any private networks.


Nmap (Network Mapper) is a security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network. To accomplish its goal, Nmap sends specially crafted packets to the target host and then analyses the responses.

5.Anti-Android Network Toolkit

zANTI is a comprehensive network diagnostics toolkit that enables complex audits and penetration tests at the push of a button. It provides cloud-based reporting that walks you through simple guidelines to ensure network safety.


SSHDroid is a SSH server implementation for Android. This application will let you connect to your device from a PC and execute commands (like "terminal" and "adb shell") or edit files (through SFTP, WinSCP, Cyberduck, etc).

7.WiFi Analyser

Turns your android phone into a Wi-Fi analyser. Shows the Wi-Fi channels around you. Helps you to find a less crowded channel for your wireless router.

8.Network Discovery

Discover hosts and scan their ports in your Wifi network. A great tool for testing your network security.


ConnectBot is a powerful open-source Secure Shell (SSH) client. It can manage simultaneous SSH sessions, create secure tunnels, and copy/paste between other applications. This client allows you to connect to Secure Shell servers that typically run on UNIX-based servers.


Android network analysis and penetration suite offering the most complete and advanced professional toolkit to perform network security assesments on a mobile device.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Flatworm Injects Self with Sperm

This Flatworm Injects Itself In The Head With Sperm

Frozen Fruits Fly Sec is as Freaky as it Looks.

Frozen Fruit Fly Sex Is As Freaky As It Looks

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Before You Criticize Someone

Before you criticize someone, 

you should walk a mile in their shoes. 
That way, when you criticize them, 
you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. 
Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat 
and drink beer all day. 
If you lend someone a thousand Naira and never see that person again, 
it was probably worth it. 
Never miss a good chance to shut up. 
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. 
Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. 
Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. 
Do not walk beside me, either; 
just leave me the heck alone. 
It's always darkest before dawn. 
So if you're going to steal your neighbour's newspaper, 
that's the time to do it. 
Don't be irreplaceable; if you can't be replaced, 
you can't be promoted. 
No one is listening until you make a mistake. 
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. 
It may be that your sole purpose in life is 
simply to serve as a warning to others. 
It is far more impressive when others 
discover your good qualities without your help. 
If you tell the truth, 
you don't have to remember anything. 
Some days you are the bug, 
some days you are the wind shield. 
Good judgement comes from bad experience, 
and a lot of that comes from bad judgement. 
There are two theories to arguing with women, 
Neither one works. 
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much 
when you are talking or when your mouth is moving instead of your ears listening. 
Never miss a good chance to shut up. 
Experience is something you don't get 
until just after you need it.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Facebook to Introduce New Features.

Hey folks,
I have good news for the world’s biggest and most popular social media
network users, yes you are right i mean Facebook. They are going to
add some new features for us. These Facebook new features will definitely
increase our Facebook experience. As we know that, almost every person
has a Facebook account in this world, 500 Million People Use Facebook
and 250 Million Log in Each Day. Presently, everyday, Facebook is a need of
significant numbers of people, Facebook is used by a lot of peoples to stay
in touch with friends and their loving ones and also used for sharing sweet
memories like status updates, photos, videos and much more. Now,
basically everybody have a Smart phone and their phone have Facebook
messenger for instant chat. So Facebook specially designed these new
features for messenger users. For everybody it is an exceptionally helpful
element, Facebook new features that will be going amazing, so we should
begin now.
There are two Facebook new features that will dramatically increase your
Facebook messenger experience. These are;
1). Messenger payment service
You read it correctly, most popular social media "Facebook" has unveiled a
payment service via Facebook in its messenger, is it helpful? Obviously it is
helpful. You can send and acknowledge payment via messenger in a
protected way, you can send money to your companion, family, relatives
anyplace through messenger. It helps user to send and get payment in
their occupied life no compelling reason to go anyplace. It’s all in your
messenger indeed; even without need to leave Facebook chat you can do
What does a user requirement to use Facebook’s payment service?
• A verified debit card which is updated in Facebook records (MasterCard or
visa Debit card only, issued by a United states Bank)
• A Verified account of Facebook.
How to send money to your friend via Facebook messenger?
Messenger’s payment service was design to use in a straight forward and
instinctive way. Just Users link their debit or credit card to their Facebook
profile and they’re prepared to begin sending (or accepting) payment. After
linking their payment details users will see a little “$” symbol over the
keyboard that can be utilized to open the payment screen. It’s just a simple
issue of entering the amount and sends it to your friends, after that whom
you send amount he will Received money may take up to 3 days to appear
in bank account. So users have to wait for 3 day/- for receive payment.
As indicated by Facebook product manager Steve Davis, once the amount
has been sent, it is transferred via Facebook who holds the payment for
quite a long time, and then sent specifically to the recipient’s bank. If the
recipient’ has not set up Messenger payment service, Facebook will hold
the payment until they link a payment service to their Facebook account.
• Begin a chat session with your friend in fb chat messenger.
• Tap to “$” symbol for open the payment window
• Select your amount for transfer to friends
• Tap on “Pay” which allows you to add your debit card (when you use first
• Taking after the successful addition of your debit card, transferring money
to your friend is instant.
• Security Tip: you can make a PIN to keep access to payments secure.
What is the Benefit of this payment service?
• Immediately money transfer between family and friends. Totally free of
• Accessible over multiple platforms which support Facebook Messenger.
• It is very secure for transfer payment you can add more security by
creating a PIN.
• Also you can see your payment history, go to setting, then payment
option and now there is payment history option.
• If you want to delete your debit cards record from Facebook, so it is
Facebook can now right away share the amount of tickets/hotel
Accommodations/food without needing to leave Facebook or beginning
whatever other payment specific App on their cell phone.
• At present, it doesn’t encourage payment utilizing credit cards, prepaid
debit cards or PayPal
• At present, it is accessible only to select US-based Users (expected that
would be taken off to all US users in a couple of months).
• The payment service is available only in US dollar currency.
• Received money may take up to 3 days to show in bank account.
• The both friends who exchanging money should be 18+ years
• Money cannot be sent to businesses.
• Money cannot be sent to user who is not on the Facebook friend list.
• Facebook claims all authority to block the payment service to people as
Per their criteria.
This payment service going to significantly more valuable, not long from
now and the best thing is that Facebook as of now has a much bigger,
more engaged, active users. This component can change the worldwide e-
commerce arena the way people buy products and pay for services on the
So we had read about payment service hope you love it, now jumps to next
one and last feature that will be add into Facebook messenger.
2). Add a link feature
Facebook is trying an in-application keyword search engine that gives you
a chance to discover sites and articles to add to your status updates.
Sharing a link on social networking site from a mobile is an unbalanced
trial of application switching and copy and paste. Facebook is planning to
make mobile application sharing a tad bit simpler.The social networking
enormous is trying out a creative in app keyword search engine that would
make it simple for user to discover sites and articles consistent to their
status update, Rather than copy & pasting URLs in Facebook. Add a link is
the new feature on Facebook, it’s now available only iOS platform in US.
For android and window user will have to wait for few month. Last couple
of weeks some Facebook user saw an apparently little change to their iOS
application in US. During updating their statuses there is many option for
including a photo, and tag to friends, picking only the right sticker, or
sharing their location, they saw another symbol. It prompted page called
“Add a Link,” where their queries were met with relevant results from
around the web, that they could then share rapidly and flawlessly with
You’ll have the capacity to just tap the new “Add a link” button, look for the
point you need to share, and then tap to apply for a consistent article.
This new feature is right now being tried among a select team of beta iOS
users in the United States, who are presently seeing new “Add a link“
alternative nearby options to add a photo or location to a status update.
Once you’ve written a question into this new add a link option, Facebook
will demonstrate to you a determination of link and sites important to your
Facebook confirmed in a statement that “We’re piloting a new way to add
a link that’s been shared on Facebook to your posts and comments.”
Google remains the best search product in the world, and Facebook’s Add
a Link feature assuming it rolls out to everyone seems unlikely to challenge
that any time soon. The trial is just accessible to a little group in the US,
yet there’s a great deal of potential here. Facebook said that it indexed
more than one trillion post on let people search for link that have been
shared with them. By indexing articles themselves, Facebook turns into a
search engine of their own controlled by data that Google doesn’t have
access to, theoretically taking out the need to
“Google” something by any means.
Furthermore, others have speculated that this new feature will up the rates
of link sharing by making it simpler and more advantageous. With more
links sharing comes more information about Facebook user which is great
news for illuminators considering that Facebook drives an amazing 25
percent of every single social click (looked at than under 1 percent for
It gives a large group of organized information in regards to what sort of
news and publisher you as a user think about. It can also help gauge the
like and hobbies of your friends relying upon whether they pick to like or
share your story. The Wall Street Journal says the program could launch
soon, and Facebook might give publishers 100% of ad revenue if they sell
what’s shown next to the articles. If Facebook sells the ads, it might get

Bomb Blast Kills 30

Bomb Blast At Maiduguri Market Kills At Least 30

MERS is the New Killer Disease/Virus.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Are You Wasting Your Youthfulness? Pt. II

Arguably enough, no human was born with an inch of knowledge. That is to say, a newborn is like a new computer system. Empty of programs. It becomes sophisticated to the extent at which the system owner or user has installed software programs on it. Now, you can only search for something and get the result in a database only when the owner or user has developed the memory to a reasonable point of giving only what it can offer hence, the "Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO)" phrase. This suffice to say that, the human is born with an empty mind only to become a bank of knowledge to the extent at which its immediate environment has enriched it to. Thus, a dull brain is so only because it is what the immediate habitat has fed it's mind with. Absolutely empty until filled with knowledge. I strongly believe in the saying that, the Colonialists' greatest curse became the colonized greatest blessing that moment that the colonialist decided to teach the colonized to be able to read, write and interact in the colonialists' language. This is say because, it was afterwards that the colonized became educated (in the colonialists' language) on how he could break the chord of colonialism. Hence, telling me I'm thinking in the Whiteman's way is like telling me there was no form of development or civilization (in it's little way) amongst my ancestors before the coming of the White Man. This, I strongly know, is denigrating to my race because, my people would have developed in whatever little way at their own pace rather than at the pace of the so called White Man and his Westernization. I am African and a proud one at that, so don't you ever think and say to me that Westernization is Civilization or vice-versa and my dear, you are as limited as you opt to be, not by anyone's standard. A word is enough foe the wise.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Are You Wasting Your Youthfulness?

Yesterday, while discussing with some of my students, the issue of becoming successful in life and showing gratitude to your aged parents popped up at the middle of our discussion session and a student of mine over bloated the magnitude of how he felt it should be, perhaps how he thinks it's supposed to be. He started with the example of fulfilling his aged parents youthful dreams that they couldn't achieve due to their strife toward ensuring their child's wellbeing was proper catered for. What amused me was his stance on building a mansion or mansions for his parents, flying them abroad for vacation and all that and ensuring there was more than enough cash money for the "aged" parents to squander. I countered the unnecessary showering of luxuries for the aged parents on the grounds that they don't actually need all that even when one is capable and willing to ensure those flamboyant lifestyle for it could be put into other usefulness so long as the parents are made comfortable but his stubborn stance on "thats how it's supposed to be" baffled and still baffles me because, this aged parents have lived their lives and the most they require of you is ensuring they are well catered for. He dabbled here and there with the excuse of "the problem is that too many knowledge acquisition has turned most of us into thinking in the way and manner of the Western world" and it being an African way of life, worse still was his argument that it's an African mentality. In trying to make him see reasons why it's a foolish reasoning, I explained to him that Westernisation is not, and never will be, civilization so thinking from my own perspective isn't Westernization (or the way of the White Men). I used myself as an example, telling him why I believe it is unnecessary to indulge such because I actually have no material thing that I can entice my parents with other than ensuring their comfort and this is so because they quite have achieved before me and all they need from me is just to ensure am happy and doing better than they did whilst growing up in their youth. Furthermore, I explained to him that our parent actually don't need the excessiveness because it's only normal that every parent hopes to have their children living in a better generation than theirs whilst we ensure that of the coming generations and that this is the only assurance to civilization. Looking back, I uncovered to him that growth and development is what precedes civilization not the amount of amassed wealth (afterall we do have people that a tagged "money miss roads") not money or any form of riches. From his standing point, he was like "that excessiveness is a must and that is what we owe them" and I strongly argued against that. I mean, do parents forget morals and bother not about how their child came about some riches?" in our present day society. Or is it that our drive for success has supplanted our morals and ethics, which these days has led into public looting by some selected greedy few? This discussion went from here on to "everyman is a product of his society" hence, criminogenic tendencies are acquired during the growing up phase not innate and his stance on "some people are born that way" led me into questioning him with "do you believe in the existence of God?" and if you do "then, God purposely  created some humans to become thieves". He didn't agree God would have done that hence, my point of "everyman is a product of his society" was proven in that, everything a man does is as a result of what his society has imbibed in him overtime.

Sunday, 31 May 2015

A plea for the African Child to President Muhammadu Buhari.

Firstly, we congratulate Pres. Muhammadu Buhari on his winning of the 2015 general elections of Nigeria. Baba, we throw you salute. We at African Pikin Foundation know you have a heavy task ahead of you as it relates to the state of our great country Nigeria. We know you have your agenda of things you want attend to before settling in on your seat as president but, we want to also use this medium to plead with you not to neglect the plight of millions of Nigerian children wallowing in abject pain, suffering, poverty, malnutrition and so many inhumane things recalling them in this great country. The reason is this "they (the children) did not ask to be born into this world" and even as we all know that no parent would intentionally bring a child into this world in order that they are punished, there should be some sort of policy that ensures they receive their 100% share of fundamental human rights and this can only be made possible through proper policies that guarantees no adult can excuse him or herself from giving children what is rightly theirs and also ensure no adult would bring a child into this world without first guaranteeing their proper welfare. We at African Pikin may not be in the proper position to tell you your responsibilities as our president but we know we can, through the proper channel, suggest policies that guarantees the African child and bring to your notice any default in law and policies as relates the African child. Children are the future. They are the leaders of tomorrow. And they can only lead properly if we all join hands to ensure they a rightly equipped to take charge of the leadership of tomorrow. Long Live Nigeria, Long Live the African child.